Material Distribution Request

Commercial advertising in District schools may be permitted by the Superintendent or designee (School Administrator) subject to policy and procedures “KI” and “KJ.” The Superintendent or designee may not approve advertisements if they do not directly benefit Lincoln County students.

The following criteria must be met for material distribution approval

  • The material is in both English and Spanish
  • The advertisement directly benefits Lincoln County students
  • All submissions must include the following disclaimer: “Not Sponsored by Lincoln County School District.”

Please complete all portions of the form and provide a sample (in both English and Spanish) of the material for review by the Superintendent or designee.

    You must upload the English and Spanish version of the materials you wish to have distributed. Please note, each different material requires its own material distribution form to be approved. You cannot fill out one material distribution form and attach multiple, different types of materials (one flyer = one form)

    Request Approval

    If your request is approved, all materials for distribution must be bundled and delivered to the school site along with this signed approval form. All copies must be provided by the requestor. Please check with the School Secretary as to the number of bundles/copies necessary.

    *Please Note: Requests may take up to two weeks to process during the school year, and perhaps longer during the summer.